Every year the London Marathon attracts thousands of runners but this year saw a whopping 40,000+ people taking part, making it the biggest in the event’s 38-year history.

This fantastic annual event saw fund raisers, amateur runners and elite athletes tackle the 26.2 mile (42.2km) course, starting from Blackheath and ending at St James Park.

And amongst celebrities such as members of the EastEnders Cast, Nell McAndrew and Kirsty Gallagher was our very own Production Manager George Saade.

We caught up with George after he successfully completed the course and asked him the following questions:

How are you feeling today, both physically and emotionally, now that you’ve completed the Marathon?

It feels like the rigor mortis has set in! I feel physically and mentally drained after 4 months of training, which all came close to being scuppered by a calf tear one week before the Marathon, but also elated and very proud. The high of crossing the finishing line with my two daughters is something I’ll never forget.

How does it feel to raise so much money for Winstons Wish?

I feel an incredible sense of achievement, and I’ve been overwhelmed by the love and support shown by everyone who has helped me to raise (as at today) just over £3,800 for the charity.

What was the atmosphere like when you were running?

Amazing. My name was on the front of my running bib which meant that the crowd were able to urge me on all the way to the finish line. The memory of hundreds of people shouting my name will stay with me for a long time. It was very emotional at times, particularly in the home straight.

What helped motivate you to keep going for all 26.2 miles of the course?

Besides raising money for the charity, I was running the Marathon in memory of my mum. I thought of her and my two daughters every step I took. Despite the injury, there was no way I was not going to take part in and complete the Marathon.

Would you do it again?

My response today would be a definite no! Marathons are just brutal, no matter who you are. Ask me in a few months’ time, when the aches and pains have subsided, and the definite “no” may turn to “possibly”!

We want to wish George and all the other brave Marathon runners a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS from the Danilo team!

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